Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel

Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel
Hoyt Peak, Utah Casts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Lifelong Dream


I feel very lucky or should I say blessed with the many experiences that have manifested to me in my lifetime. As both an experiencer and investigator, my life has shared different things ranging from the paranormal to just the plain ordinary. With the help of many friends over the countless years, we’ve investigated a vast number of odd and unexplainable phenomena without any explanation as to what it was. Some could be explained and others not so, and this is what makes it so exciting. With my health on a downward spiral because of my heart, I would like to tell a little about myself and what we did.

 Growing up in southern California during the 1950’s and 60’s was an exciting time for me. This was before the influx of mass population when open land was still quite plentiful. While in school, reading in different newspapers about strange creatures being confronted in places like San Diego, Anza Borrego, Riverside, San Bernardino National Forest, Angeles National Forest, Los Padres National Forest, Tehachapi, Victorville and many other locals in southern California area was somewhat common at that time. This fascinated me beyond all leaps and bounds, and I found myself yearning to be a part of this. Call it whatever you like, but for me it was the call of the wild. Names like Bigfoot, the Sandmen of Borrego and the wild man of Riverside captivated me. I wanted to know about them and learn as much as I could. Besides the other strange and odd things happening to me at the time, this is where I took a serious interest in the paranormal and it captivated me.

After moving to Utah with my parents in 1972, I thought that my Bigfoot interest had disappeared for good. I told my friends, Bigfoot in Utah, come on get serious, Bigfoot is most likely not there. It took me many years to get my interest in Bigfoot sparking again and after some time, I found things not as bad as I thought they were where Bigfoot was concerned. My UFO and abduction experiences were becoming more frequent and Bigfoot was there in the background waiting for me to get serious again. Working with Darrell Smith, Derek VonHatten, and others, we searched extensively for Bigfoot evidence throughout Utah. I collected my first foot print casts, one at 12 inches long and the other at 13 inches, at Hoyt Peak with Darrell Smith. Things were starting to look up for me and in May of 2012, we finally hit payday, when my cousin and I actually come across one in the Book Cliffs of Carbon County, Utah. This is the big one, the holy grail of Bigfoot hunting.

I don’t know why, but there seems to be a curse associated with Bigfoot. People seem to die after encountering one. Approximately every five years, someone working with me in Sasquatch research dies and know about five years later, I develop heart disease, and in need of a heart transplant, so I assume it’s my turn next. Was it all worth it? Indeed it was and I would do it again. The long trips searching, the hard work and aggravation makes for a lifetime of experience. 

“The time will come when diligence research over long periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden. A single lifetime, even though entirely devoted to the sky, would not be enough for the investigation of so vast a subject… And so this knowledge will be unfolded only through long successive ages. There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them… Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memory of us will have been effected”.

-Seneca Naturales Quaestiones 

Ron Johnson

Utah Bigfoot Hunter  

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Is Sasquatch Getting A Bad Rap In The Movies?


Is Sasquatch or for a better part, his more generic name Bigfoot, getting a bad rap in the movies? Today, Hollywood will make a movie out of just about anything, from terrorists trying to blow up the world, to the life of fairytale characters. I had the misfortune of recently buying a copy of “The man who killed Hitler and then the Bigfoot” a movie written, produced and directed by Robert Kryzkowaki. Just the long two part title, should’ve been my cue to pass on this one, but for some strange reason, curiosity had definitely killed this cat. Why do a majority of these “aka” Sasquatch movies have to portray Bigfoot as a blood thirsty, man killing monster, that doesn’t even remotely resemble them? The movies Abominable, Sasquatch Mountain, Sasquatch Hunter, Boggy Creek 2, Boggy Creek 3 the legend is true and the Snow Beast are just some of the other movies that have changed Sasquatch into something that he isn’t.

Harry and the Henderson’s was one such Sasquatch movie that didn’t go beyond the barriers. Steven Spielberg was the executive producer (unaccredited) and like his other movies, they do have a sense of realism to them and Sasquatch actually looks and acts like a Sasquatch and not some grotesque looking monster from the bowels of hell like the crawling eye, that doesn’t even remotely resemble him. I’m quite sure Spielberg had done his homework with this movie as he done with “Close Encounters” and others. There are plenty of Sasquatch organizations out there like the RMSO and the BFRO to get a feel of what a real Sasquatch would look or act like and how to accurately portray them in a movie.

Please let me know what you think and feel free to comment.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Does Sasquatch travel the San Rafael?

This has always been a working theory for me and recent findings that we have discovered might just point to this. The San Rafael Swell and Cedar Mountain areas of Carbon and Emery counties, both consist of a vast wild area connecting the Boulder Mountains to the west and the Book Cliff Range to the east. This would make for a much shorter roadway for the Sasquatch to utilize than by traveling in a much longer arching route through the Fishlake National Forest, the Wasatch Plateau and Manti. A majority of the Carbon County sighting reports that we have received, are located in alignment with this possible path-way or roadway. The tracks we find both head towards and come from the direction of Cedar Mountain and the San Rafael Swell. The areas along this path-way are very remote and rugged with very little intrusions of humans. A majority of people who visit Cedar Mountain or the San Rafael, don't wander very far from roads or campgrounds in the area and the vastness of remote canyons and gullies supply endless hiding spots. One needs to really know this area I'm referring too and as I stated earlier, this is only a theory, but one we are going to investigate fully.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Friday, August 19, 2016

Possible Sasquatch Vocal's from Utah 07-30-2016

    My partner Kevin and I, had found big foot prints on the San Rafael, in southeastern Utah. With all the local sightings in Carbon and Emery counties lately, I have postulated that the San Rafael could possibly be a roadway between the Boulder Mountains and Book Cliff Range. Four years ago, I had found giant tracks in the snow near Cedar Mountain, and these tracks were approximately 21 inches long and had a span (step) of a little over 6 1/2 feet long. These were exactly identical to tracks I found near C Canyon (Book Cliffs) one year after finding the tracks near Cedar Mountain. Same Bigfoot creature, maybe and I believe that it could very well be the same one. On the night of 07-30-2016, my partner Kevin Allridge and myself (Ron Johnson) had found large tracks down on the San Rafael in Emery County. We had found these early in the day, but didn't have time to cast them, as we wanted to attend the International Days burn out contest in Price, UT. I knew that by attending this event, it would put us very late in getting the cast made. This wasn't much of a problem for us as we do a lot of our investigating at night. After arriving to our destination, we quickly found the tracks and decided which one to cast. The time is approximately 11:45 PM and we are waiting for the plaster to dry enough to pick up, when we start hearing a strange voice yelling or screaming at us. After a while I turn on my voice recorder. I scream back at it and it responds back by mimicking my voice. I'm in no way insinuating that this is a Sasquatch, but only suggesting it as a possibility. In May of 2012, Kevin and myself had an encounter with a Sasquatch in the C Canyon area of southeastern Utah and the grunting we heard during this 2012 event, sounded the same as the grunts at the end of this video, that we heard on the night we casted these prints.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Price Canyon, Utah Sighting 05-29-2016

Hair Sample Found At Location
Price Canyon, Carbon County, UT

    On the afternoon of 05-29-2016, a resident of Price, Utah (wishes to remain anonymous) contacted my partner Kevin and related a strange encounter she had while traveling back home from Salt Lake City. At the last turn before dropping into Price Canyon, she noticed a large hairy creature standing on two legs, near the shoulder of the highway. This would be on the southwest side of the road, near where the highway is held up by large pillars. The creature had dark brown, almost black looking hair on its body, didn't move nor make any sounds. She drove farther down the Canyon to a wide spot and stopped long enough to regain her composure before continuing home. This location is in close proximity to an encounter in 2002 (UBH-10033) by two Arizona deer hunters, a 1955 encounter on the old highway (UBH-10020) and an encounter with two dirt bike riders in the early 1970's (UBH-10017)
    Kevin and myself went to the location of the sighting to look for evidence. I found this hair sample approximately twenty feet from where she said the creature stood. The hair still has follicles attached the them and has a greasy plastic like feel to it. I showed the sample to four different horse experts in the area and they didn't know what it was. We are going to send it off for DNA testing and when I receive the results, I'll post it to this article.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Monday, December 14, 2015

A 7 Year Olds, Utah Bigfoot Friend

     I hear about Sasquatch encounters all the time, from people of all walks of life. This is the first time I ever heard a story like this from a seven year old. Lots of parents will dismiss stories like this as pure fantasy, not believing anything that a young person has too say, and parents who do, are completely missing the mark. Parents should listen too what their children have to say. 

     A few months back, I took a friend to Home Depot in Provo, UT to get some outside paneling for her house. She didn’t own a truck, nor had anyway of transporting these 4x8 sheets of paneling, so we took my truck. When I picked her up, she told me that her 7 year old grandson was coming along. From Helper, it’s approximately a seventy mile trip to Provo. After loading the paneling into my truck, we started out for home. There wasn’t much of a conversation on the return trip, as we both were just listening to the seven year old grandson of my friend talk about school. After a while he started telling me about his friend, who talks with him, whenever he goes camping in the mountains by Salt Lake. First off, I would like to say that I’m telling this story the way that he told it to me. In the summer months, he would go camping with his aunt and uncle from Salt Lake quite often and this is where his friend comes to light. He kept telling me about this friend and I assumed that it was just a friend of his who went along on these camping trips, until he mentioned that it was a Bigfoot who was talking to him. When he said this, I started to pay attention. He told me that whenever they go camping in the mountains by Salt Lake, his friend Bigfoot will always come close to where they camp, too talk to him. I asked him if the Bigfoot scared him, he told me that he didn’t come into camp, and that he wasn’t afraid of him. He talks to me, but he is not there with me. He is hiding in the trees, away from where we are camping, whenever he talks to me (telepathy?) My aunt and uncle won’t let me go off by myself and I have to stay in camp. My Bigfoot friend wants me to come visit him, but I’m not allowed to leave camp by myself. I didn’t want to lead him in any way with questions, so I decided to just let him talk. He asked me if I knew how a Bigfoot sleeps and I told him that they will sometimes make a bed out of tree branches or make a primitive shelter. He told me that his friend lives in a cave not too far from where they go camping in the mountains by Salt Lake. He asked me if I was afraid of Bigfoot and I told him that I wasn’t. He told me that the next time they go camping in the mountains by Salt Lake; he will have his friend Bigfoot talk to me. He continued to tell me about what he liked to eat, and how they have to hide from people. He told me that only nice people, who don’t want to hurt him, are allowed to see him. When we arrived in Helper, he told me that there we’re Bigfoot in the mountains by Helper and that he has talked to them too. I asked him if he had learned this in school, and he told me that we are not allowed to talk about Bigfoot or we will get into trouble. All in all, he had a pretty incredible story to tell. I asked my friend, where did he learn so much about Bigfoot? She told me that whenever he gets home from these camping trips, he always has these Bigfoot stories to talk about.

Ron Johnson 
Kevin Allridge