Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel

Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel
Hoyt Peak, Utah Casts

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Price Canyon, Utah Encounter 2002

Price Canyon, Utah
     I interviewed two brothers from Arizona, who hunt deer every year in Utah. In 2002, they both had an encounter at the top of Price Canyon. This is their story :
     John and Robert are two avid hunters from Arizona, who every year, come to Utah to participate in the yearly deer hunt. They parked their truck and horse trailer, just north of the railroad tracks on the Emma Park road. After packing their horses, the brothers took them down by the river to let them drink. The horses become spooked and very hard to control and finally broke free and ran away towards Price Canyon. At that time, John noticed a very large creature walking on two legs, approaching the area where they had their horses. His brother Robert hadn't noticed it. The animal was approximately two hundred feet away, but still walking towards them. John, physically grabbed Roberts head and turned it towards the creature. They both fled in the same direction their horses ran. They eventually caught up to the horses, approximately 1/4 mile down river. Looking back, they didn't see the creature and didn't know where it had gone or if it was even following them. I asked them if they remembered any details about the creature, but they told me they didn't stick around long enough to find out. After the two brothers and their horses calmed down, they went back to their truck and trailer, loaded their gear and horses and left the area. They hunted in a different area after that. I asked what it looked like and they told me, like a big giant gorilla, walking on two legs and this was the only description of the creature, they gave to me.

Ron Johnson - Utah Bigfoot Hunter

Friday, October 17, 2014

Water Canyon, Utah Tracks Found 2011

Water Canyon, Utah
     I interviewed Trent Boyd of Wellington, Utah on 10-20-2013 at my home in East Carbon. This is his story, from fall of 2011:

     While driving down Water Canyon, after spending the day on the mountain, I noticed a very large footprint along side the road, while looking out my side window. I got out of my truck to take a closer look and found others heading up the steep slope to the top of the mountain, in a direction towards Bruin Point. These footprints looked like barefoot human footprints, but much larger. I put my shoe print inside one of the tracks and had my wife take a photo. My shoe size is 13 and these were considerably longer and wider than my foot. Trent is a an avid hunter, outdoors man  and knows the characteristics of the tracks that different animals make. He even tried to step from one to the other, but could only do so by hopping. The pictures of the footprints, were taken with his cell phone and can't be retrieved. I stress this too many times, please use a regular camera or a cell phone with a removable chip, when taking these kind of photo's. Below is his interview.

Ron Johnson - Utah Bigfoot Hunter

Photo of foot print taken on cell phone. Photo can't be retrieved from phone.

Arronco Canyon, Utah Encounter 2011

View of Bronco Canyon, From Wood Hill
     I interviewed Mr. A, who wishes to remain anonymous, is the owner of a successful local business in Price, Utah. This is his story as he related it to me :
     In the fall of 2011, he was riding a four wheeler with his daughter, up Arronco Canyon, which is located right above the town of Kenilworth, Utah. The dirt road leading up the canyon is very rough and difficult to drive on. When they get approximately one mile, they both see a very large animal walking on two legs, down off the side of the canyon from the right side, stopping for a brief moment to look at them and then start walking up the same road, but ahead of them. This happened approximately 200 feet in front of them. He described it as being a dark brown and red mix in color and definitely walking on two legs as a human would, except that this was no human. With his daughter riding on the back behind him, he wasted no time in turning around and getting out of there. I asked if he got any other details of it and he told be that he wasn't concerned about that, only concerned about getting his four wheeler turned around.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Desolation Canyon, Utah - Encounter Story

     In the late 1980's I worked as a mechanic for one of the car dealerships in Price, Utah. An old cowboy, who worked on one of the big ranches on the West Tavaputs Plateau, came in an bought a used truck. I got to be pretty good friends with him and when ever he would bring his truck in for service, we would usually do a lot of talking. On one occasion, the subject turned to Bigfoot. He told me about a family of five giant apes living in the Desolation Canyon area, not far from the Green River, below the ranch where he worked. Every fall it was his job, to ride his horse down into this area, to search for and drive out stray cows, before the winter snow fall. He told me on many occasions, he would see these giant ape people watching him ride his horse in the area between Jack Creek and Flat Canyon, but closer to the river. At first, he was very afraid of them, but over the years he got used to seeing them and after losing his fear, they no longer bothered him so much. He would never ride his horse towards them or bother them in any fashion, he would just let them be and they didn't seem too awfully concerned about him either, after seeing him many times riding his horse. He described them to me as two parents and three kids or smaller ones. He told me that he could tell when they were close by, that his horse would become jittery and very difficult to control.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Monday, October 13, 2014

Darrell Smith - Bigfoot Hunter 1945 - 2012

Darrell Smith on Hoyt Peak 2008
     Darrell Duane Smith 01-03-1945 to 03-23-2012 was a good friend and fellow Bigfoot hunter for over thirty years. I first met Darrell in Salt Lake City, Utah back in 2005, when he gave a presentation on the Utah Bigfoot. I stayed after the meeting and we talked for quite a while about the subject and we become good friends. We would spend days in the different mountain areas of Utah, searching for evidence of the big elusive fellow. Hoyt Peak, I know was his favorite place to be and we spent many days on the mountain looking for tracks by day and calling by night. Darrell always told me that the Hoyt Peak area was a hot spot for activity and in August of 2008, we spent 5 days near the summit and had spectacular results. On that trip we got plaster casts of two different sets of three toe tracks. I remember it was getting late in the evening and after we cleaned up the area and collected our casts, I asked Darrell to do one of his long Bigfoot calls. We were approximately ¾ of a mile from my truck and after Darrell called, we got a response of three long yells back, similar to the Washington State vocal. That was one of my favorite Bigfoot hunting trips, ever.  In 2010, we were camping at Mill Hollow, east of Francis, Utah and that’s when he started to show signs of something being wrong. After this trip is when he told me he had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). I would visit Darrell on many occasions and we would always talk about UFO’s, ghost hunting and other paranormal  subjects, but  Bigfoot was his favorite topic. On 12-17-2011, with the permission of his wife Debra and family, I recorded Darrell for the last time in an interview at his bedside. Darrell, your earthly work here is done, for now you know the truth in all things.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

2009 Paranormal Symposium - Angel Fire, New Mexico
Provo Canyon, Utah - 2007
Darrell Relaxing After a Long Day's Hunt

Sunday, October 12, 2014

C Canyon, Utah Encounter 05-13-2012

Clearing Where Bigfoot Stood
     On 05-07-2012, I received an e-mail from Mr. Phillip Jensen (PJ), stating that he had a possible Bigfoot sighting while driving home from work. This happened on the west side of C canyon road approximately two miles below the West Ridge coal mine, near mile marker nine. C canyon is located in Carbon County at the base of the Book Cliffs, in southeastern Utah. I contacted Phillip to get more details of his sighting and then went to the area to investigate. For six days, I searched the area around the mouth of C canyon for evidence of tracks, hair or anything that seemed out of the ordinary, but didn’t find much. I went back at night to try calling, but only had coyotes answer. On 05-13-2012, I was in Price, Utah and asked a friend, Kevin Allridge if he would like to go see the area where the Bigfoot sighting was. I usually have my cameras with me all the time, but this day I left them at home. This will turn out to be a big mistake on my part. We arrived at the area and looked around a while. From there, I drove northwest on a dirt road that follows the base of the mountains for approximately one mile. We stopped and looked around and then soon left to come back to Price. We did see what looked like possible tracks alongside the dirt road on the bank. On the way back to the C canyon road, approximately a quarter mile from the road, I noticed a very large animal, standing in a small clearing off the road to our right. I backed up to get a better look. I pressed my chin against the steering wheel, cussing myself for not having my cameras with me, literally looking at a Bigfoot. Kevin, very excitedly asked me three times if I see it. I tell him yes and to get out very slowly. When I got out and looked again, it was gone. Kevin asked if we should walk over to where it was standing, approximately 100 feet away, but then I got this terrible feeling, like a message in my mind telling us to not proceed any further. A moment later, when the bad feeling I had subsided a little, we started to walk to where it was standing. About halfway there, we both heard a grunting sound coming from further into the trees and a series of three thumps, as if a big animal was running away, with each thump getting much quieter. Kevin dropped to the ground on his hands and knees and told me that he could see a smaller one running away, but I never seen it. Again at this time, I got another bad feeling, like someone in my mind telling again not to follow, stay back. A moment later when that bad feeling left me, we walked over to the edge of the trees and we seen three unknown animals just clearing the crest of a big hill off in the distance. We didn't get a good look at what they were and can only speculate on them. We continued over to where we first seen it and looked around. It was standing next to a big pinion pine tree and the next day I went back and measured the height of it. The tree was 8 ½ feet tall to approximately where the top of its head was and  measured approximately 90 feet from the edge of the dirt road to about where it was standing. While I was sitting in my Jeep looking at this, it looked as if it might have been leaning forward a bit, not standing straight or maybe slouching a bit. It was covered with reddish brown hair that had gray mixed in with it and had a very sparse looking gray beard that almost went to its waist. The head looked wide and looked as if it was attached to the shoulders without a neck. There was a crown on the top of its head, like on a gorilla, had large brow bones with deep set eyes. The nose was wide, but flat with visible nostrils. The lips were big, fat with teeth sticking out, reminding me of a horse when it whinnies or a braying donkey. I didn't see hair on its face, but there looked like longer sparse hair on the sides of its head. This thing was big and massive in size and the biceps on it, had to be three times the size of my legs. This thing intimidated me and even now, I feel uneasy when I go back there.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Price Canyon, Utah Encounter 1955

Price Canyon, Utah
     I interviewed a local Price business man, who told me about an encounter with a Bigfoot type of animal, back in 1955 involving his entire family. This is his story as he told it to me :

     In 1955, the family was taking a trip to Salt Lake City. They loaded up the family car and left Price early in the morning, being an all day trip. The sun hadn't yet rose and was still dark outside as they proceeded up Price Canyon. In those days, driving on the old road; you can still see parts of it today (Photo), was a very narrow and dangerous highway, you had to take extra care when driving it. Just before Ford Creek Falls, there was what they had thought at the moment, a man standing on left side of the road and Joe thought someone might need help. After stopping, Joe and his son Joey, get out of the car and proceed back to see if he needed help. They almost reached him, when his dad yelled at his son to run back to the car. The man they thought was on the side of the road, wasn't a man at all, but some kind of a big beast, that they thought was a man in need of help. The beast never threatened them, moved nor made a noise of any kind, while all this was all taking place. They got back into the car an quickly sped away. I asked Joey if he could recall what it looked like; he told me it stood approximately nine feet tall, much bigger than an average man, very muscular and looked something like a giant ape or gorilla. At that time in 1955, they could only guess as to what it was, but now Joey tells me, he knows without a doubt that it was a Bigfoot. 

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hoyt Peak, Utah Tracks 08-12-2008

     These tracks were found and cast on the south side of Hoyt Peak, east of Kamas, Utah, by Ron Johnson (East Carbon, UT) and Darrell Smith (Sandy, UT). We had followed these two sets of tracks for approximately one quarter mile and were in very poor condition, probably made the previous fall, making them very difficult to follow.

3 Toe Tracks, Hoyt Peak, Utah

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Lower Fish Creek, Utah Encounter - Early 1970's

     Paul Pugliese is the owner of a successful business in Price, Utah and is very well known through out the county. Paul was riding dirt bikes with his cousin down lower fish creek and had an encounter with a Bigfoot. Here is his story, as told to me by Paul :

 Lower Fish Creek, From Colton, Utah
     Paul and his cousin, were riding their dirt bikes from the dam at Scofield reservoir, to Price canyon. They were slowly making their way down the canyon and Paul decided he better stop and wait for his cousin to catch up. When he turned around to look back, he noticed a big upright animal following his cousin at a short distance behind. He told me it seemed to be pacing his cousin. Trying to get his attention at no avail, his cousin had no idea of what was following him. When he arrived, to where Paul was waiting for him, he finally turned around to look behind, but by this time the Bigfoot had crossed the river and was climbing the side of the canyon to the northwest. This was about one mile from the confluence of the Price and White rivers. They started their bikes and got the hell out of there. Paul described it as being approximately 8 feet tall and looking like a very large gorilla. The sides of the canyon are very steep and he told me that it was proceeding up the side very quickly. 

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

C Canyon, Utah Encounter 05-04-2012

     On 05-07-2012, I received from Mr Phillip Jensen, an a-mail stating that he had a possible Bigfoot sighting while driving home from work. This is his story of what happened :

High Ron - 
     This is an account of my sighting of an unknown animal from May 2012. To date, the closest animal that I have seen that is close to what I saw, is the subject of the Patterso/Gimlin film from 1967. Here is my story : 
     On Friday May 4th, 2012, I left work at approximately 4:30 PM (MST) as usual. I was driving southbound on "C" canyon road at approximately 60 mph. The wind was blowing strongly that afternoon, so I slowed down. As I reached the stretch near mile post 9, I noticed at a distance, what I thought at first to be a dead tree. It was about the right size and color. I don't remember seeing a dead tree there before, so I kept looking. As I approached the figure, I realized that I couldn't see through the figure, as you would a normal tree. This thing was solid. As I got closer, I also realized that the form wasn't that of a tree, more like a gorilla sitting upright. That was my first impression. The shape was approximately correct, but the proportions were different. It did have a conical crown on its head and the trapezius muscles were enormous. They reminded me of a Cardassian's neck, from Star Trek. As I passed the animal, I noticed that the hair was blowing in the wind. The hair actually parted and I saw what I thought to be a pale pinkish skin, like a long-haired dog's skin, but lighter. I didn't see an undercoat, like on a long-haired dog. The hair was approximately six inches long. The animal was sitting next to a large rock that went just below the arm pits of the animal. It had shoulders and two arms hanging below. The animal was sitting or crouching. I then rounded a bend in the road and lost sight of the animal. I wasn't able to see it in my rear-view mirror, due to the direction of the turn. The closest that I got to the animal was approximately 60 - 70 feet feet. It was directly beyond a barbed wire fence on the west side of the road. my sighting lasted approximately 6 - 7 seconds. it took me a few moments for my brain to comprehend what I had just seen. my first instinct was that I had just seen a cinnamon-colored massive Gorilla, but my brain couldn't believe what my eyes were telling it. I have lived in this area most of my life and I have never seen anything like that before. 
     Later that evening, my wife and I returned to the area where I seen the animal. We searched all around and couldn't find any sign of it, no footprints or hair. Nothing. We left after about an hour of searching. 
     The following Monday, May 7th, I returned to the site after work to search again. In time, I found what could be a footprint, but it was severely degraded. I measured the rock by which the animal was sitting or crouched. The rock measures 4.0 to 4.5 feet. By my estimation, that makes the animal 6.0 to 6.5 feet to the crown of its head while sitting. When standing on two legs, I estimated, that it would be in the 8.0 to 8.5 foot range. I also found were three branches had been broken from a pinion and juniper tree and placed in a "C" formation below. I took some pictures, that I still have on my phone, but I don't know how to retrieve them. While I was looking at the "C" formation, I suddenly had the feeling that I was being watched. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I become very uneasy. That's when I heard a cow "moo" from some bushes approximately 75 to 100 yards away. What I find very peculiar about this is that I haven't seen any cows for several weeks. I honestly thought that they had moved to their summer ranges. Then I remembered something that I had read about Sasquatches imitating wildlife in the areas. I immediately gathered myself up and left. I didn't see what made the sound and I didn't see any cattle in the area, until the following Autumn.
     After my sighting, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I had seen. I tried to determine if I had misidentified a known animal. I picked up a book by the Audubon Society, that describes animals that are native to the area. I carefully considered each large mammal, to see if that is what I had seen. Nothing else matches the description. Then in July, I was watching a program were the Patterso/Gimlin film was shown. When the subject of the film turned its back to the camera and walks away, I jumped up from my chair and shouted " that's what I saw!!" and it was. The proportions were correct, but the color wasn't. The subject of the film most closely represents what I saw that day.      I have also had another possible recent sighting of the same animal that I haven't mentioned to you yet. It happened on 10-1602013. Again I was driving home from work down the same "C" canyon road. This time, I was further down the road, closer to hwy 123. I looked to my right and noticed what looked like a cinnamon-colored animal standing on two legs, trying to hide behind a tree, but the tree was much too small for him. Then I saw the face looking back at me. It was a face halfway between human and gorilla, in my opinion. It had a strong brow ridge and the eyes were lost in shadow. The nose was wide, but I could see where the nostrils were. The sighting was only a couple of seconds, so I didn't get as much detail as my first sighting. it may of been the same animal that I saw in 2012, or a completely different specimen. I'm not sure. I thought about turning around, but there isn't a safe place to turn around in that area and I didn't want to risk getting hit by a coal truck. I went back to look for evidence the following day. I did find what could be a track, but it was degraded to where the details were gone, but the general size and shape were correct. I haven't reported this to you or the BFRO, because I'm unsure about the exact location of the tree, where I was standing and it was such a brief sighting, lasting only 1 - 2 seconds. But I'm convinced that we have something roaming the Book Cliffs area, that closely resembles Sasquatch. Attached is a picture that I found on the Internet, that most closely resembles what I saw in October. 
     Both sightings happened at the same time of day, approximately 4:30 PM (MST). Both sighting were on the west side of "C" canyon road. The lighting was good for both sightings. In both sightings, the figure was massive. I can't think of any other that matches the description of what I saw in either sighting, except a Sasquatch. Its the only animal with the correct size, shape, color and mass of the animals that I saw. 
     Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. 
PJ Jensen

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge

Sunnyside, Utah Encounter 2010

Whitmore Canyon, Utah
     A resident of Sunnyside, Utah contacted me (asking to remain anonymous) very concerned about the possibility of Satan worshippers practicing their trade up Whitmore Canyon, approximately one mile from her home. After talking with her about her concerns, she asked if it would be OK to tell me about an encounter she had back in the winter of 2010. This is her story as she relayed it to me :

     One night in the winter of 2010 after going to bed, she was woken up sometime later by noises coming from outside her home. She got up out of bed to see what was making these noises and soon found that they were coming from behind her living room curtains. As she opened the curtains, there was a big hairy looking wild man staring at her from outside the window. She screamed and ran back into her bedroom, closing the door behind her and hiding on the floor beside the bed. The next morning, she found large barefoot, human looking footprints in the snow around her house. These had come in from the direction of the mountain behind her home, twice around her house before departing back towards the mountain. She showed me the window from which this animal/creature was looking through, measuring 7 1/2 feet from the ground to the bottom of the window frame and the window itself was 3 feet tall. From where she told me it was looking at her through the the window, I estimate the height of it to be approximately between 8 1/2 feet to 9 feet tall, from what she told me. She heard it make the second trip around her house, then didn't hear it anymore. She called the local police, but they never responded. 

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge