Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel

Utah Bigfoot Hunter Channel
Hoyt Peak, Utah Casts

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Huntington Canyon, Utah - Sighting 08-22-2015

Huntington Canyon, UT 
     On 08-22-2015, a Price, Utah family of three was driving up Huntington Canyon to spend the day fishing at Mammoth Reservoir. When they got to the Crandall Canyon turn off, their seven year old son become very excited and asked what kind of an animal that was standing off into the trees. They come to a complete stop in their lane and then they noticed the upright animal first seen by their seven year old son, standing there. This creature reminded him and his wife of the character in the movie Harry and the Henderson’s, as it stood on the edge of the pine trees next to Huntington Creek. They told us that this upright standing animal was approximately 7 ½ feet tall, with long golden brown hair that had black accents mixed with it. This animal never moved, all the time they were stopped. He grabbed his camera and was going to take a picture of it, and then it started to make a loud growling or grunting noise. At this time his wife and son were becoming very upset and wanted to leave this area immediately, so he threw his camera down and quickly drove away.

     This area of Emery County, UT has had numerous sightings over the years, from Nuck Woodard Canyon to Millers Flat. In 2012 there was a forest fire that ravaged through the areas, not more than one mile from this recent sighting location and with all the surrounding damage, this could be a reason for the most recent sightings. Floods, land slides and tons of debris constantly flow down from the side canyons and bare mountain tops, from local thunder storms and rain showers, that keep the local wildlife moving.

Ron Johnson
Kevin Allridge 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Idaho Springs, Colorado - Sighting 08-13-2015

Interstate 70 - Colorado
     On the night of 08-13-2015, a truck driver leaving Wheat Ridge, Colorado (Denver) was traveling west on interstate 70 towards Idaho Springs, when a big tall ape like creature ran across the interstate on two legs, just ahead of his truck. The driver could only guess on the height and that it was considerably taller than the hood on his semi truck, guessing maybe 7 ½ to 9 feet tall. He had to rapidly slow down his truck, but said that he didn’t come close to hitting it. His name and the name of the company that he works for will remain anonymous; too protect his identity and job. He said that other vehicles, both trucks and cars, were trying not to hit it. This incident happened approximately half way between the Co 103 and the town of Idaho Springs.

Ron Johnson 
Kevin Allridge